Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hi guys (and girls)

I have been thinking about podcasts. Do you know why it's called a podcast? Its a mix of the words ipod and broadcast according to wikipedia. Yeah, I had to google it. My google-fu is strong :)

Anyway, I've been talking to my brother about starting a podcast with him, but im unsure about his idea. He wanted me to record conversations with my father over the phone. I don't know, don't seem that interesting...


Monday, January 25, 2016

Guess what? I'm back

I'm done with Tarzan. I'm done with the woods. Back in LA, back at Dolce.

Back on the blog, getting close with the fans.
Sharing secrets from my (love)life (thi), private pictures (wot?) and the recipe for success.

I'm sure everyone can make it, if you really want it. So this goes out to all you "wanters" out there

"Keep reaching for that rainbow"
