Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Finally online

My manager wanted me to start a blog about my life in LA.... It wasn't that easy to setup, took me most of the night but here it is!

What you can expect to read on my blog is the truth about my life in LA. I will not hide anything or anyone so stay tuned for updates around the clock!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If you are who you claim to be, why wouldn't your manager decide to inform the True Blood sites, Alexander-Skarsgard.net, Alexander Skarsgard Forum, or even one of the Facebook fan pages of this blog? It would seem rather pointless and a complete waste of time if your fans, or stalkers (it's just semantics, trust me) are unaware and uninformed.

  3. I'm afraid I'm going to have to echo the sentiments of brwneyedvixen. Sorry!

  4. who really cares? the blog is fun!
