Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Did all you guys see me naked in the last episode?

It wasn't hard to convince Alan to add the scene, even if it didn’t add anything to the story “No body double needed, my abs are ripped” I told him, and Anna of course begged me to include her in the scene. Stephen was so pissed, yelling “Cut!” when I kissed her. He still doesn’t talk to me


  1. I watched the episodes in english in real time,and in fact i'm from spain.I think you're a big actor, you can explains the feelings of a ancient vampire without memory, is so difficult and you take it so easy.Wow, I will follow your career. Here's a fan!

  2. Please people.... this guy is a fraud. It is not the real Alex. Enjoy his bullcrap for the humor (if that's what you want to call it), but dont be fooled.
