Friday, February 27, 2009


I received an email. It's in Swedish but translated it says something like:

"Hi Alex. Just the thought of me and you making music together is insane. I am a artist while you are nothing but a cheap entertainer for the masses. So please don't mention either me nor my girlfriend in that stupid blog of yours ever again. /Anders"

Well, Anders, guess what? I don't understand exactly what your problem is but I just mentioned both you and your girlfriend in my stupid blog again. And please explain to me what is so artistic about pretending to be Bruce Springsteen?

P.S. I'm giving your girlfriend a call when I get back to Stockholm.


  1. bra rutet, alex. Moneybrother är överskattad.

  2. This is one of the most entertaining blogs I've read so far. Keep on making me laugh, please, Mr Skarsgard.

  3. Dear Mr Skarsgard,

    Have been trying to get hold of you by standard procedure, but failing. Now trying this as a last resort.

    My name is Kenneth Branagh, director of films such as Hamlet and Dead Again. I was recently seen acting in the Tom Cruise vehicle Valkyrie.

    I and the rest of the production team would like you to audition for the lead in my upcoming movie "Thor". We believe you will fit our vision of the Norse God of Thunder perfectly.

    Contact through the normal channels please.

    Best Regards.
